Local Information
How to raise concerns about...
Hampshire County Council's Countryside Access Team will attend to issues on Rights of Way (footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and BOATS). Logging issues on the interactive map and providing photos will help them in prioritising matters
Fly tipping
EHDC will remove waste and rubbish left dumped by fly tippers on public highways and public land, and whenever possible, will prosecute those who offend in this way. If you see builders’ waste or other rubbish dumped on public land, please report it in one of the following ways:
Ring EHDC customer services on 0300 300 0013 or use the online system - https://my.easthants.gov.uk/services/report/fly-tipping
If you actually see the offence being committed ring the Police on 101 giving full details
To report a pothole, please use the website below.
Please bear it in mind that issues reported must be specific - a particular problem at a specific location. It helps if you are able to upload a photo of the matter at the time of logging.
Highways Issues
To allow HCC to get a true picture of concerns and difficulties being experienced on the local roads, it is important that accidents and issues are logged – ideally when they have recently happened and with photographic evidence. Anyone can report any road related issue: from flooding or pot holes to paving…. https://www.hants.gov.uk/transport/roadmaintenance/roadproblems