Hawkley Parish Council
Parish Council Meetings. Held in Hawkley Parish Hall, Upper Green, Liss, GU33 6NA
Date | Meeting |
22nd May 2024 |
Annual Meeting of the Council @ 7:30pm |
10th July 2024 |
Parish Council meeting @ 7:30pm |
18th September 2024 |
Parish Council meeting @ 7:30pm |
20th November 2024 |
Parish Council meeting @ 7:30pm |
8th January 2025 |
Parish Council meeting @ 7:30pm |
19th March 2025 |
Parish Council meeting @ 7:30pm |
April 2025 |
Annual Parish Meeting. TBC |
21st May 2025 |
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council @ 7:30pm |
Your Parish Council
The first point of contact for the parish council is the Parish Clerk, Katherine Horton who can be contacted on 07866 443350 or email on [email protected]. If you have any concerns regarding a community issue, please in the first instance contact the Clerk who will be pleased to help.
Hawkley Parish Council has eight Councillors representing local people, supported by the Parish Clerk who is also the Council’s primary point of contact. The roles carried out by the Parish Councillors are provided below and the Register of Interest can be accessed here
The next parish council elections will take place 2027 and are coordinated by EHDC
Hawkley Parish Council serves a population of around 440 people. It looks after the interests of the parish by doing what it is empowered to do, and drawing other needs to the attention of the relevant authority, for instance, problems with roads. It also responds to consultation from other authorities. It looks after Parish property, which includes the bus shelters, seats (one by Hawkley church and one in Empshott by the old Post Office) and the parish notice boards. It expresses its views on planning applications to District and County Planning Committees. It is not able to make decisions on planning matters. It is also responsible for Upper and Lower Greens at Hawkley and arranges for the maintenance including grass cutting for these. It also provides a service of a lengthman to look after the litter collection and some roadside ditch and grip clearance, under contract from the District and County Councils.
The responsibilities and the total budget for the Parish are both small, the Precept (that is the amount of money ordered from the District Council to be collected with the Council tax) is around £16,000 per annum. This also has to pay for audit each year and elections every four years. Council members, who are unpaid, undertake further voluntary work in inspecting footpaths and liasing with landowners to request they meet their obligations on maintaining paths, and stiles and liasing with Hampshire County Council Rights of Way and Roads departments on maintenace issues.The Clerk and the Chairman represent the Council on Hampshire Association of Local Councils (HALC).